According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be 115,000 new jobs in HVAC by the year 2022. Within the next ten years, 50% of the existing HVAC technicians will retire or otherwise leave the industry. Where do qualified technicians come from? How is your business coping with the persistent shortage of trained industry employees? What does it cost your business if untrained personnel represent your company?
Technical colleges with HVAC programs are excellent resources for the recruitment of individuals with the core knowledge needed to succeed. However, many individuals do not have the time to commit to a full-time local program. Perhaps the current new hire from another industry has great potential, but a pathway is needed to support their success.
Enter Tech Foundry.
Tech Foundry represents a modern means to develop and grow HVAC technician talent with the guidance of a leading HVAC manufacturer, Johnson Controls Ducted Systems. When enrolled in Tech Foundry, your potential-high performing installation and service personnel are on their way to becoming their best.
Each Tech Foundry course is mentored by experienced industry professionals. The initial sessions are conducted in an online environment, with full mentor support and peer interaction, followed by immersion in a supportive, hands-on environment at the state-of-the-art Ducted Systems Academy Center of Excellence in Oklahoma City, OK.
Course instruction details:
Virtual Sessions: (One 90-Minute Live Session Per Week for 9 Weeks, Virtual Instructor-Led).
Meet face-to-face online with Ducted Systems Academy instructors and peers. These sessions utilize a unique combination of renowned reference materials, local labs, and engaging activities. Assignments and local projects are due weekly; these are the basis of discussion in the virtual sessions.
2025 Course Dates: February 10, 17, 24 & March 3. 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7
Live Immersion: Following the online sessions, skills are practiced hands-on at Ducted Systems Academy in Oklahoma City during a 3-day factory training immersion session. Date: April 14-16 or April 29-May 1, 2025. Limit 10 per class
Registrations are limited to maximize hands-on opportunities. Tech Foundry course tuition is $2995 (per 9-week session + immersion) and includes 9 weeks of 90-minute instructor-led sessions, course textbook, lodging during the immersion sessions in Oklahoma City, transportation between the hotel and training center daily, breakfast at the hotel, lunches, lab materials, and lab PPE.
Programs exist to help offset tuition costs where applicable. Contractors: All live courses are eligible for Academy Match Dollars up to program limits (Liberties Plus, CCC, Select, Elite, and Premier contractors).